Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy 11/11/11!!!

Look at how lucky you are, I'm writing a new blog entry ;) Kidding. I hope you wished for something good! It's almost 11:11pm here in New York so I've got one last chance to make an extra big wish!

My boyfriend is spending the night at his cousins house playing Skyrim all night long with her fiancĂ©. I have no idea what to do with myself. I ate way too much dinner with Nonny tonight so I should be in a food coma, but my back hurts too bad to sleep so I'm beached on my queen size bed talking to you. Or at you. 

I went today and bought my mom her Christmas present. She's gonna FLIP! I'm so excited. I don't know how I'm going to keep it a secret for a month and a half. 

Not much has happened here lately. Just doctors appointments. I DID get the Gardasil shot though. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It stung for a couple seconds. They gave it to me in my upper arm/shoulder. I did get some side effects but NOTHING like the horror stories I read online. My breathing and swallowing was a little harder yesterday and they day before. it was almost like a thick coating happened in my throat. And I had pain down my arm, shoulder and neck. It hurt really bad to touch (aching pains) and it hurt to lift my arm up. so brushing my hair and showering were more miserable than usual and the injection site itched sometimes. not it only hurts if it's poked or bumped. Overall it was no big deal and I would recommend it to everyone who can get it. Trust me, I'm a baby when it comes to needles.

Well I think I'm gonna watch some Roseanne and try to sleep. Unfortunately, James's snoring wore off on London (my dog) so it won't be a quiet night after all. I hate snoring...

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Why is it that I can go for a long time without getting sick and then when I do I get one thing on top of another? Last week I ended up with a sore throat. I figured it was a virus but my grandma made me go to urgent care cuz she thought it was strep. I was perfectly happy taking motrin and tylenol and eating scribblers popsicles. But she forced me. Like I don't see enough doctors, right? Well, even though my tonsils and adenoids came out almost 5 years ago, I managed to get strep. And a really nasty fever with it. I get put on z-pack and my throat stops hurting. Then because it killed all the good bacteria with the bad I get the WORST stomach bug! I'm going on day 7 of the worst G.I. problems. Thankfully I think i'm on the road to recovery from that! But all day my jaw/neck has hurt and I have a giant inflamed lymph node under my chin. It never ends. 

My back has been just as miserable as ever. I have pills for nerve pain and pain pain but I hate taking the pain pills because they make me sleepy and nauseous (I will never be able to spell that word without spell correct). The nerve pills I take every night make me sick. Ugh, for Christmas I would like a new body.

I was looking forward to my appointment with my spine doctor's PA tomorrow but they called and cancelled that saying the doctor wanted to see me. So now I have to wait until the end of the month. I'm annoyed because he keeps losing my MRI so I'm getting nowhere. I finally agreed to nerve burning, epidurals and injections (I'm TERRIFIED of needles) and now we get nowhere because he loses them, misplaces his notes etc. My lawyer has sent copies twice, I had them sent from the imaging place myself and his secretary called to get them. The past 3 appointments have been pointless because he's done nothing. Except successfully give me a full blown panic attack when he asked questions about my accident (for like umpteenth time). At least after that I was finally able to get the pills I thought would work for me (and so far they have been). 

Tomorrow I also have an appointment with my Primary doctor to go over how my meds are working for me and to get a shot. EEK!!!! OMG you have no idea how terrified I am. I HATE NEEDLES! I would rather do math homework. I've decided to get the Gardisil shot. That's the one that prevents HPV. I never thought I would need a shot for that because I'm not a skank-a-dank-a-skank but recently a friend of mine and he husband split up and he cheated during their marriage. The result for my friend was a cancer scare. She has HPV which showed up on her annual exam. Luckily she is cancer free right now but she will always have the virus and she may not be able to have children someday. And she was only with her husband. THAT opened my eyes. I don't ever want that to happen to me. So I figured if 3 shots can prevent that from every happening to me, then I'll get them. Luckily I have Valium and a Nonny that can drive me to get it. I'm so scared. Can you believe I'm 25 and absolutely terrified of needles? Among other things, haha.

Funny story. Another friend of mine closed his tanning salons (that's not funny) and gave me a bunch of tanning products for free. One thing he gave me was a sunless tanning spray. At like 1 in the morning on Sunday my boyfriend and I decided to spray me. OMG!!! I'm so glad I did that in the shower. MESSYYYY! And I ended up a nice burnt orange color. After 2 showers my color has successfully washed away though, lol. I should have taken a picture for you, but then you'd have blackmail later on ;)

This is pretty accurate. Except I have green eyes.

 Ok, well 'm gonna go get a heating pad and some motrin for my lymph node. Cross your fingers and say a prayer for me for tomorrow. 

Saturday, November 5, 2011

I'm Feeling Festive!

For the past week or so I have been in a seriously festive mood! I am so full of holiday spirit that it's killing me. It's only November 5th though! I have a long way to go before I can allow myself to do something about my bundled up jolliness. I normally don't allow myself to do anything christmasy until the day before Thanksgiving (to prepare for Black Friday) but yesterday I got a Peppermint Mocha from Starbucks. Big mistake! Huge! Now I'm so full of the holly-jollies that I could burst!

Peppermint Mocha = AWESOME

I think I'm extra excited because not only am I hosting my very first Christmas dinner but Chris, my boyfriend's son, will be here for 2 weeks too! This will be James's first Christmas with his son! Since he's almost 7 he's old enough to really enjoy Christmas and Santa and all the other amazing holiday things!

I already have a good idea of everything I'll be getting him too. I like to think that I'm a pretty good present giver so hopefully he'll like it. I wish I wasn't on such a tight budget though! He's a great kid and I'm sure he knows Christmas isn't only about the presents. He'll be happy just to spend the time with his dad.

On another (semi-related) note; Where are all the leaked Black Friday ads? I mean, I have my sources and I know what's out already but every other year there have been many more out in early November. I like having everything planned out ahead of time then just verifying on Thanksgiving morning with the print ads. Oh, Toys R Us, if you read this, please for the love of Jesus DON'T open at 10pm on Turkey Day. Rumor has it that's the plan. I think midnight is a fine time. Let families enjoy their time together and give thanks with each other (and let their food digest) before the Super Bowl of shopping begins.

Well I think I'm done with this for now. Time to continue resting and let this strep throat heal. Expect a lot more updates in the near future!